Home-school Cooperation
Community Charity:
LUC regularly invites parents to participate in charity activities to help improve our school and communities.
Teaching Participation:
Our parents are from all over the world and have different cultures and life experiences, which is a very valuable asset for all of our students. Therefore, we welcome parents to participate in teaching and learning activities to share their understanding of the world and unique views.
Parent-Child activities:
LUC believes that everyone plays an integral part in the LUC community, whether they are children, parents or other extended members of a child’s family. We therefore strongly encourage parent participation in LUC activities like Sports Days, Bazars and other school activities.
Home Extension:
Education does not stop at school. LUC hopes that the LUC values and philosophy can be extended to every family. Therefore, we have established Chi Tak Club, which organizes parents ' lectures on a regular basis and invite parents to participate in school affairs to maintain close relationship with LUC.